CLUB TIGRES and environment
Having a clean and healthy environment enhances people’s quality of life. At Club Tigres, we work to improve our environmental impact and raise awareness about environmental protection.
We know there is a long road ahead, but we are committed to changing the score in favor of a more sustainable and eco-friendly world.

Join our Tigres Foundation!
Make a donation, become a volunteer or participate in our events.Together we can make a difference.

We strive for more sustainable development that takes environmental care into account. We have implemented measures to prevent waste and raise awareness among the population.

Together with our partners CEMEX and Regenera, we are working to become the first ZERO-WASTE sports stadium. This means we separate our waste through various recycling collection programs and ensure that any waste that cannot be recycled is transformed into alternative fuel.
Through a co-processing system, we convert the waste from our daily operations and matches into green fuel, which is used in the cement production process.
Every year:
- We co-process an average of 150 tons of waste, avoiding the equivalent of 280 tons of CO2 equivalent.
- We co-process an average of 150 tons of waste, avoiding the equivalent of 280 tons of CO2 equivalent.
Our environmental effort is equivalent to planting over 5,000 trees.
PET bottle recycling
Since 2014, we have implemented the PET collection program within the Estadio Universitario. We recover all water and soda bottles used during the men’s and women’s match days. These bottles are sent for recycling, preventing more waste from ending up in landfills.
PET bottle recycling machine
We have a PET bottle recycling machine open to the public 24/7, so anyone who wants to contribute can drop off their bottles there in exchange for electronic money.
We recycle an average of 12 tons of PET bottles each year

Tigres for the planet
We are continuously seeking programs that contribute to environmental balance
ET Collection Program
Over 98 tons collected during campaigns and home games.
PET recycling machine
24/7 recycling service for the community.
In schools and parks.
Responsible consumption
Eco-friendly bags and products at Tigretienda.
Our passion is everywhere
Contact us
- Estadio Universitario Puerta #13, Ciudad Universitaria. San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L. 66455